Knowledge is Power
Peeing Outside of the Box
Peeing outside of the box! It’s kind of like ‘thinking outside of the box’, but with less fun results. And it seems to be the theme for this month. So why do cats do this? Well, for a number of reasons. One reason is for communication. They don’t speak English, and they are trying to…
Our Pets Are Just Like Us
Do you feed your children junk food? Why not? Because it’s not healthy? Providing you are on-board with feeding your kids wholesome meals, do you apply the same kind of thinking when feeding your furry family members? We come from a society that doesn’t put a lot of thought into their pets’ food, and often…
Welcome to the new Lucky Pet Petsitting LLC Blog
Welcome to our new site! Lucky Pet Petsitting LLC has been in business since 2005, offering exceptional service to our many client’s over the years, so that they can get away peacefully knowing everything was being taken care of at home. We’d like to do the same for you! If you’re new here, we look…
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